Which locations are we monitoring?
Locations with data available today are:
The Czech Republic.
Is data in the Transaction Price Map up-to-date?
The Transaction Price Map uses data from CUZK (Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadaster) from the date of:
Currently, the application contains price information for the segments of
Development Projects (new and fairly-new dwellings), Family Houses and Other Housing Construction (older brick houses, panel buildings and old houses in the city center) in selected regions.
- The price information in the application for new and fairly-new dwellings in Development Projects is dated to the period of 1994.
- The price information in the application for Other Housing Construction and Family Houses is dated to the period of 12/01/2013.
For easier search in the map, the symbol (square or triangle) indicating an apartment building or family house includes a black dot if there was a transaction in past.
The application is still in development and is being extended by new locations and data.