About the Transaction Price Map
The Transaction Price Map is a web interface application. It is not necessary to install any programs onto your computer, all you need is to register and sign in with your username and password. Due to security requirements for Internet applications, each user computer must be configured in a way that complies with the standards.
Security of the Application
All communication between the user computer and server is encrypted. If a user is logged into the application, all sent and received data is encrypted.
The main protection for the user is the password that can be changed at any time. This change is saved on the server in encrypted version as well. In case of forgetting or losing your login information, or in case of problems with login, contact us using the contact information provided on the website.
Launch of the Application
The Transaction Price Map web application is available on the address:
In order to launch the application, you will need a computer with a web browser (e.g.. Internet Explorer – version 9 and higher, Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, etc.) and access to internet. We don’t guarantee correct function of all components of the application on older versions of web browsers. In case of complications, please install the update of your web browser.
The speed of data transfer depends on the speed of your Internet connection and on the technical specifications of your computer.
To ensure full functionality of the application, it is necessary that your computer is equipped with:
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- MS Office 2007 and higher – MS Word and MS Excel
Home Page
After launching the application by entering the mentioned the website address into your website browser or by clicking on the link you will be directed on the home page of the application. The home page contains selected general information about the application and serves as a signpost.
In order to use the application, each user must be registered and must possess login information. The registration for the application can be started
You will choose the type of access based on your profession or intention for the use of the application. After filling in the registration form and agreeing to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you provided upon registering. In the email, you will receive a summary of your registration information and guidelines for the activation of your account. By clicking on the activation link your registration will be complete and you will be automatically redirected to the login screen of the Transaction Price Map.
Login to the Application
Use your username and the one-time password from the confirmation email to login to the application.
In order to login successfully, you will need to enter a correct combination of a username and password. After entering your login information you need to confirm the action by clicking on the
Login button.
Every other login to the application can be completed through the
Login button on the upper right side of the website interface or by using the links in the texts throughout the webpage. In case of entering wrong or invalid username and password, the application will display
“Wrong combination of username and password”. If that happens, you need to repeat the login using the correct login information.
Logout from the Application
You will be logged out from the application if:
- You click on the button Logout in the upper right corner;
- You will be inactive for more than 120 minutes.
Navigation within the Application
In the heading of the page, you can see the username, Logout button and a basket with a number of reports.
In the navigation panel of the application, there are four tabs: Map, My Places, About, and Contact.
- Map – the user can navigate within the application with a use of an interactive map and subsequent steps (from entering the requested search criteria to selection of a specific building, project or area for display or comparison of price information in a report).
- My Account – further divided into sections:
- Account, which contains information about the user, billing information and enables to change the password.
- Basket, which navigates the user through the process of payment of selected reports.
- Generated reports, which contains a list of generated and paid reports and enables their download in a PDF format.
- Payments, which summarizes all payments of the user and enables download of electronic invoices.
Map – Guide to the Transaction Price Map
The guide to the transaction price map helps when searching for price information about a selected development project, building or location (a radius of a selected point) in an interactive map.
After a successful first login, you will be asked to change your password by double filling of your new selected password. Then the user is redirected to the map. Firstly, a user can go over the Guide to the transaction price map. This one time help contains information that will help you to fully understand the application. After clicking on the OK button, user is redirected to the search window.
Selection of Property Type and Property Location
The segment of Other Housing Construction is preset automatically when first glancing into the map. However, a user can switch to whichever other segment:
- Development projects represent new apartments in development projects constructed after 1994.
- Other housing construction represents new apartments excluded from the development projects and apartments in older brick building, prefab (panel) buildings and in old houses in the city center.
- Family houses.
First window for search contains an interactive field that upon writing automatically offers ending to the names of streets, towns or municipal boroughs.
To confirm, you can click on the correct name or use the Enter key. After confirming the selection, other fields of the form regarding the location (region, district, city, municipal borough and street) will get automatically filled in. Street name is an optional field.
The application searches only in the locations where the data about transaction prices is available (see
After filling in the selection criteria, press the
Search button.
In case of filling in incorrect search criteria, the application will notify there is an error and will ask for correcting the information.
If you want to display the one time help again, press the
Help button.
After inserting the search criteria in the preceding step and clicking on the
Search button, the application will lead you into the map.
After the first login, a user will see a legend that explains the elements used in the map. The map legend can be displayed at any time by clicking at the
Legend button in the lower right corner of the map.
The map is always zoomed in automatically by selected criteria. After selecting a location, the map will be zoomed to the street or area you requested. If you did not specify the name of a street, the map will display the center of the specific municipal borough.
The map is interactive and can be moved, zoomed in and zoomed out. For the movement in the map, you can use either the navigation panes in the upper left corner or the functionality of your computer equipment (mouse, touchpad, etc.).
In this step, the map also displays selected segment of the residential market in the selected location. The symbols of the individual real estate segments are as follows:
- Pins for development projects- Red pins represent completed development projects that obtained occupancy permit. Grey pins represent development projects in progress (without occupancy permit).
- Squares for other housing construction - Red squares represent a building with apartment units where each unit legally belongs to an individual or an entity (e.g.. Unit Owners Association, etc.). Red squares with a dot represent an apartment building where there was a transaction in past. Grey squares represent apartment buildings where the whole apartment building has one single ownership, whether it is a city, county, cooperative, or another entity.
- Triangles for family houses – Red triangles represent a family house. Red triangles with a dot represent family house, where there was a transaction in past.
After approaching symbol with a mouse courser, an "informational bubble" pops up. An informational bubble presents basic information about the selected dwelling or development project. It also offers a link to selected reports (summaries of required price information) – see below.
The upper right part of the map provides an option of selecting a specific segment of the residential market under the
Change Property Type button (development projects, other housing construction, and family houses). In the upper right corner of the map, you can also define the center of the area or select your own place.
The current map can be switched in the lower left corner to the following map types:
- Normal - open street map;
- Satellite - orthophotomap of CUZK;
- Cycling map;
- Traffic map;
- Cadastral map;
- Address map.
A report with detailed information about real prices can be requested by clicking on a specific symbol representing individual segments of the residential market (pin – development projects, square – other housing construction, triangles – family houses). After approaching symbol with a mouse courser, an "informational bubble" pops up. An informational bubble presents basic information about the selected dwelling or development project. It also offers a link to selected reports. Afterwards, a window with the list of available reports with descriptions will be displayed.
A report is defined as a summary of thematic information about selected location, residential market segment or information about selected area (radius of 0.5 or 1 km from selected point).
A price excluding VAT and including (21%) VAT will be displayed under the contents of the report. You can view a sample PDF report by clicking on the Sample button.
By clicking on the
Purchase button, the application will display a window to fill in and recapitulate parameters of the selected report.
In the Report Parameters section you need to fill in all the required fields marked by an asterisk (*). You can leave the optional fields black if you don’t desire to use the price comparison feature. You need to specify the option criteria if you would like to compare e.g.. Offers of real estate property purchase with real transaction prices in the selected building or area.
If a user wants to display a report regarding an area surrounding a selected place, it is necessary to specify a radius:
You can find a recapitulation of the permanent report parameters in the Permanent Report Parameters section.
You can continue further by clicking on the View Report button.
Confirmation of the Report Selection
After clicking on the View Report button, you will be redirected a new window. In this window, the parameters and price will be reviewed. You can find information about the number of viewed reports in the note.
The next step can be one of the following options:
- Clicking on the Add to Basket button and paying for the Reports that will lead user to the Basket interface.
- Clicking on the Add to Basket button and continue using the app. This action will save the selected report into the Basket for future payment and will redirect the user back to the map.
- Cancelling the report selection and returning back the map by pressing the relevant button.
Shopping Basket and Paying for the Report
The shopping basket recapitulates the selection of reports and provides an easy and fast way of payment by card.
Access to the Basket
You can enter the Basket at any time by clicking on the picture of a shopping basket in the upper right part of the application.
Navigation within the Interface and Payment
A user is redirected to the shopping basket after clicking on the Basket button or Add to Basket and Pay button.
The Content of a Shopping Basket
A review of parameters and price of the report including VAT and excluding VAT is organized in a chart. Red cross to the left from the name of the report allows removing the report from the basket.
A user will proceed to the Payment Summary by clicking on the Finish My Order button.
All the items including prices in the order are summarized here. After clicking on the Pay button, a user is redirected to the payment gateway. The online payment is provided by the Komercni banka a.s. organization with a help of the “GP webpay payment system.
On there screen, there is a button confirming agreement with the Terms of Use and Claims Policy. Both documents are available for revision on the home page. If you agree with these conditions, check the square proceeding the “I agree to Terms of Use and Claim Policy”.
After completing the payment, you will be able to view the report in the upper right part of the scree in the My Account section under Generated Reports. Next to the name of your reports, you will be able to find information about its parameters, payment date, and a button to download the report.
The invoice for purchase report can be downloaded to your computer in the Payments section that is located in the upper part of the screen. In order to save the invoice in PDF format, click on the Download button in the chart column called Invoice.
Reports in the Transaction Price Map application provide information for users who are searching for detailed price information about different segments of the real estate market.
A report is defined as a document summarizing requested information.
All reports have predefined structure. Each reports serves as an individual analytical tool with a content changing based selected criteria/parameters.
Each report has its title, detailed description, and a specific icon showing the expected output:
Criteria/parameters for a dynamic change of selected reports:
- Segment;
- Location (and micro location);
- Property price (CZK);
- Project;
- Apartment size (sq. m);
- Apartment size;
- Radius of an area;
- Project standard.
The above criteria/parameters are not required at all times when selecting reports. Required parameters depend on the specific report selection.
The Standards of Development Projects
A new development project standards called CULT were introduced solely for the purpose of the Transaction Price Map. The definition and monitoring of the CULT standards allows users to compare individual apartment projects among each other by comparable parameters. The standards of the development projects are created based on technical data, cadastral data, and on detailed analyses of apartment projects that were completed in the Czech Republic after 1990. This data is collected and analyzed by the team of Deloitte and Hyposervice. The standards have a dynamic character in some aspects and are updated on a regular basis.
Comfort – user comfort
Evaluates the concept of the project based on the user comfort as a sum of 4 parameters of same weight.
- Project size and character;
- Equipment of the project;
- Environment in the micro location.
Utilities – user costs
Evaluates user costs as a sum of 5 parameters of same weight.
- Organization of Property Owners fees;
- Energetic aspect;
- Property Tax ratio;
- Organization of Property Owners income.
Location – location and infrastructure, accessibility to public transportation
Evaluates the location as a sum of 5 parameters of same weight:
- Historical value of the location;
- The type of buildings in the area and natural forces;
- Technical-constructional location;
- Infrastructure;
- Access to public transportation.
Technology – construction and technological quality
Evaluates the construction and technological standard as a sum of 2 parameters of same weight. One parameter evaluates the construction and technological standard of the whole building, and the other parameter evaluates the standard of individual units in the building.
- Standards of the building – construction and outside design, common areas, distribution;
- Standards of the units – masonry, surfaces, opening fillings, distributions, comfort of the interior layout.
A detailed breakdown and methodology of the CULT standards can be found in the Download section under the name: CULT Standard.